Drawer Box Assembly
drawers typically covered with veneer or vinyl and having bottoms of hardboard or masonite.
Our Drawer Box Assembly machines will:
Increase Productivity
Improve Product Quality
Increase Profits
Improve Safety
Premier Universal Drawer Machine
The Premier Universal Drawer Machine is built for assembly line or work cell production. This machine squares, clamps and fastens a broad range of drawer sizes and styles. Once set, the machine builds mixed sizes in a single production run with simple mechanical adjustments by the operator. The machine automatically senses drawer length and height as it moves to square and clamp the parts in position and place fasteners. The completed drawer is automatically released. Clamping pressure is adjustable as needed to insure a tight joint during fastening.
Heavy Duty Frame
Low Maintenance
Precision Linear Bearings
Programmable Controller
Mar-Proof Product Clamping Surfaces